For mother’s day ❤

Worldly Winds

Britannic Ladies Watch Bracelet Ad, 1922

Tick tock, tick tock,

my mother’s watch,

upon my arm,

tick tock, tick tock.

It shouldn’t be here,

it should be there,

I have her face,

I have her hair,

tick tock, tick tock.

The time flies by,

I grieve each day,

bequeathed to me,

time slips away,

tick tock, tick tock.

I smell the strap,

for scent of her,

but ‘tis long gone,

no trace is there,

tick tock, tick tock.

Our hands the same,

as time moves on,

just memories,

her voice is gone,

tick tock, tick tock.

The days slide by,

my treasured piece,

reminds of times,

and death’s release,

tick tock, tick tock.

Each tick from you,

I further slip,

each tock to you,

a step I skip,

tick tock, tick tock.

Tick tock, tick tock,

my mother’s watch,

upon my arm,

tick tock, tick tock.

© Mother’s Watch  07.02.2013

by Alexandra Carr-Malcolm

Britannic Ladies Watch…

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